What is the difference between Y9 GPS Devices and Y10 GPS Devices?
Y9 refers to our first model year of GPS Devices (2016), while Y10 refers to our most recent model year of GPS Devices (2017). You can typically tell Y9 Devices apart from Y10 Devices because Y9 Devices will have a silver, aluminum band around the side. The Y9 Devices work with the GPS Ally App, while the Y10 Devices work with the GPS Ally 2 App.
How do I turn on my Lezyne GPS device?
On both Y9 & Y10 devices, press and hold the "Back" button for 2 seconds (top-left button).
How do I start a ride?
On both Y9 & Y10 devices, press the "Lap" button on the lower right side to begin recording a ride.
How do I end a ride?
On both Y9 & Y10 devices, press and hold the lap button for 2 seconds to pause the ride. Then use the up and down buttons on the right side to resume, end, save, or discard the ride.
My Lezyne GPS device is plugged in and charging, but why is it not showing up on my computer?
If you are not using the supplied Lezyne USB cable, the cable being used may not be a power and data transfer USB cable. Please use another USB cable that is capable of doing both power and data transfer. If this does not remedy the issue, please unplug your GPS and reboot your computer.
Do the Lezyne GPS devices have mapping or navigation?
Our Y10 GPS line does offer mapping and navigation through both the Ally 2 App and GPS Root website. Our Y9 devices do not have mapping or navigation features.
How do I upload a route to my Lezyne GPS? (Y10 Devices only)
From the Routes tab in GPS Root, click "Upload .GPX/.TCX route" and follow the directions on the page. Be sure your phone is paired to your GPS through the Ally app. In the Ally app, click on "Saved Routes" in the pull-down menu to find the newly, uploaded route. Select your route and hit "GO" to transfer to the device.
Does the Ally V2 App use data when following a route on my Year 10 Lezyne GPS device? Do I still need my phone paired to my Y10 GPS device to follow a route that I've already loaded to it?
After loading a route to your GPS device, your phone is no longer needed to follow the route. The device will continue to give directions based on GPS and not use any of your phone's data. However, if you are following a Point A to Point B navigation and you have "rerouting" set to automatic (in the device's Navigation menu), it will then use the Ally V2 App and your phone's data to reroute your course if you travel off route. If you would prefer your device to not reroute automatically, set it to "manual" and you can still follow the breadcrumb trail to find your way back onto course. Once back on course, directions to your destination will start back up.
Are the GPS devices waterproof?
They are water resistant as long as the power plug is properly inserted. All the GPS devices are tested to the IPX7 standard for waterproofness so they can handle extremely wet days on the bike. We test the units by holding them under 1m of water for 30 minutes.
Can the Y10 & Y9 GPS devices connect to Bluetooth?
What's the difference between the Y10 Mini and the Y10 Macro GPS?
They have the same functions and connectivity, however, the Macro has a larger screen and a longer battery life. The Mini has a higher resolution screen and is more compact.
How do I upload my rides to Strava?
On Y10 & Y9 Devices, you can upload your activity to Strava through either your computer or the GPS Ally/Ally2 App. The Y9 Mini can only be uploaded through your computer.
In order to make your mobile uploads easier, please first link your GPS Root account to Strava in the settings of GPS Root.
To upload your ride to Strava through your computer, first plug your GPS into your computer using the Lezyne cable. Next, upload the .fit file from the GPS device to the GPS Root website (the .fit file is found in the "Activities" folder on the Lezyne GPS). Once you've uploaded your ride to GPS Root, click on "View Details" and then click the button that says "Sync with STRAVA." You also have the option to upload your rides directly to Strava through their website. Simply log in, click the upload page, and select the desired .fit file from the Lezyne GPS device.
To upload your ride to Strava through your Ally or Ally 2 App, first save your ride to the cloud and then go to your saved rides. Click on the desired activity, click on the share button, and select "Strava."
Can I upload directly from my phone to Strava?
Both Y9 & Y10 Lezyne GPS Devices (except the Y9 Mini) are capable of uploading rides from the device to your phone via the Lezyne GPS Ally or Ally 2 App (available for both iOS and Android smart phones). Once the ride is uploaded it can then be pushed to Strava. In the Ally & Ally 2 App settings you can also turn on "Strava Auto Sync" which will automatically push your saved rides to Strava when they are uploaded through the App.
Do Lezyne GPS devices work with other training sites?
Yes, if the site accepts .fit files then the files from the device can be uploaded to that site through a computer.
Why am I getting different data readings (elevation, distance, or speed) from different data sites?
When you upload your rides from your GPS to Lezyne's GPS Root, Strava, or any other data processing sites, you will see corrected values for elevation, speed, and distance which use that particular site's software.
For example, Strava's correction software for elevation is based off of GPS data that they have received from a multitude of riders using their website. The correction software we use is based off of NASA's 3D model of the Earth. Because they use different data processing software than we do, the data will seem slightly different.
Do the GPS devices have a barometer?
From our Y10 GPS line, the Super GPS, Micro GPS, and Micro Color GPS devices have a barometer. The Y9 Devices do not have a barometer.
Does the GPS recording work well in [insert country]?
Yes, GPS stands for Global Positioning System therefore it will work the same globally.
Are there aftermarket front/aero mounts available for Lezyne GPS units?
Is the GPS mount compatible with 35mm handlebars?
The standard O-ring mount will work for 35mm handlebars.
How do I update the software on my GPS?
Updates for the GPS software are available at www.lezyne.com or www.lezyne.com/gpsroot in the "Support" pull down menu.
If I start riding before a GPS signal is acquired, will it track my ride?
You must wait for a GPS signal to be acquired in order for all ride data to be recorded correctly. You can start the recording but data will not be tracked until a GPS signal is acquired and elevation may be negatively affected.
What do I do if my screen freezes?
You will need to do a hard reset. See explanation below.
How do I hard reset my Lezyne GPS?
On Y10 Devices, you do a hard reset by holding the "Menu" and "Enter" buttons for 30 seconds. On Y9 Devices, you hold down the "Back" and "Menu" buttons for 45 seconds.
Can I charge my GPS with an external battery pack while it is recording?
The Y10 GPS models are capable of charging while recording. You cannot charge a Y9 GPS Device while it's recording.
Will my GPS work under tree cover?
Yes, but it can affect signal strength and will vary depending on the tree density. To improve this, we use a highly sensitive GPS chip and optimized the recording to maintain a connection in low signal areas.
How do I know if my power meter is compatible with Lezyne GPS?
Why does my GPS take up to a minute to connect to a Bluetooth sensor?
Some Bluetooth devices take longer than others to establish a connection based on the sensor manufacturer's specifications.
Will the Lezyne GPS work with my current cadence sensor or heart rate monitor?
I'm paired with an external speed sensor, but why is my speed not accurate?
The wheel size calculation may not be set to the correct size of your wheel. This can be corrected in the Bike menu settings. Also, be sure to check both the battery in the sensor. Check that your wheel magnet is close enough to the sensor and that only one magnet is attached to the wheel.
How do I pair my power meter to my Lezyne GPS?
In the menu you on your Lezyne GPS scroll to "Power" and select "Enable" to start the pairing with available devices. Each power meter may have a specific way to start the pairing function, so you'll need to follow the manufacturer's instructions on how to enable the power meter. If your power meter has included speed or cadence it will work automatically once the power meter is paired successfully.
Note: Your power meters additional speed or cadence metrics will override secondary sensors by default.
Why doesn't my Lezyne GPS Device automatically update the time zone when I travel?
All Y10 GPS with software version 4.114 and above can be set to automatically update the time zone through the GPS Ally V2 app. In the More tab select GPS Settings -> General Setup-> Time, set the time zone to "Automatic" and tap "Save". You GPS time zone data will now be automatically updated any time it is paired with your smartphone and the Ally V2 app is open.
For Y9 devices and Y10 devices not used with a smartphone, if you travel into a different time zone, you'll need to manually change the time zone in your device. If the time zone on the GPS device isn't correct, our GPS Root website will automatically update it in your ride summary once it's uploaded. The time zone setting is located in the Time menu.
Is the Lezyne GPS Mount the same as Garmin's mount?
No—while it may look similar, it is actually a more secure mounting system. We have 4 large tabs that we call our "X-Lock" design, which is a much more secure connection because it's a push and turn to release the unit. The GPS device is inserted at a 45-degree angle and then pressed down and twisted until it "locks" into place. Rigorous testing has proven it to be a superior and safer mount. It's also unique in that it can't be mounted sideways—no matter what position the mount is in, the computer can always be mounted forward.
Can weather affect the GPS signal?
Dense clouds are known to degrade the GPS signal on any GPS device. However, we have the latest GPS chip technology and advanced GPS programming to help maintain the best possible connection.
If I have a cadence, speed, and heart rate sensor paired with my Lezyne GPS and record a ride on a stationary trainer, will the GPS Root website still display my ride data even though I haven't moved?
How accurate is the GPS elevation reading?
Lezyne GPS have the latest GPS chip technology and advanced GPS programming to consistently read within 5 – 10 meters of a fixed elevation point (results may vary from device to device). Some models have a barometer to increase the accuracy of the GPS elevation calculation and also will show you accent and decent data while riding.
I've erased all rides from my unit when it was plugged in to my Mac computer, but the device is still full. What do I do?
Make sure you empty your computer's trash while the device is plugged in. Or, select "Erase All" in the Records menu on your device.
How can I turn on the backlight on my GPS unit for night riding?
Head to "Auto" and select "Backlight" in your device's menu, and turn it to "Off." On the home screen, click "Enter" to turn on the backlight.
How do I build routes for my GPS Device?
Can I upload a route to my Y10 GPS Device without an internet connection?
When initially starting your directions, you do need to be paired with the phone. Once the direction are sent to the phone, as long as you stay on-route, you won't need a phone connection again. If you go off-route, the phone will need to connect briefly to re-route.
Do I need to have my phone connected to my Y10 GPS Device for the turn by turn directions to work?
When initially starting your directions, you do need to be paired with the phone using the Ally 2 App. Once the directions are sent to the phone, as long as you stay on-route, you won't need a phone connection again. If you go off-route, the phone will need to connect briefly to re-route.
I uploaded a TCX file from Strava to my Y10 GPS Device. Why are there no turn-by-turn directions?
Not all TCX files contain turn by turn navigation data. The file must contain turn by turn for it to upload the directions. If not the ride is just a line. You would have to re-create the route with directions then re-upload.
Why won't GPX files give me turn by turn navigation?
Turn by turn navigation (TBT) is only written in TCX codes, so if you're using a GPX file it will not produce TBT. Also, it is important to note that not all TCX files produce TBT, only certain ones do. For instance, Strava TCX codes do not have TBT written in them. They will only produce a bread crumb line like a GPX file.
Our GPS Root website produces TBT and also produces TBT navigation in their TCX files.
Why am I getting cadence but no speed when using my Lezyne Speed and Cadence Sensor?
You are most likely paired to speed and cadence separately. You'll need to make sure if you're using a sensor that does both speed and cadence that you are pairing by selecting the Speed and Cadence option in the menu, rather than selecting Speed and Cadence separately.
I'm having trouble pairing my Lezyne Heart Rate Monitor (HRM). Any Tips?
First, be sure you take off the thin plastic layer that is on the battery. It can be hard to see, but most of the time this part just hasn't been peeled off.
Also, you'll need to make sure that you're wearing the heart rate strap before it will turn on and read heart rate. Sometimes wetting the strap a little bit will help it read better.
Once you get it to pair, make sure to take the HRM off after every ride, as if it's left on a wet strap the HRM may try to continuously read and the battery will die more quickly than it should.
Why won't my device show sensor icons with the charge level next to it?
Only ANT+ power meters report battery level. No other ANT+ sensors report battery life. Most Bluetooth sensors report battery life.
Why can't I choose between Glonass & GPS on my Y10 Device?
The Y10 Super, Micro C, & Micro C Watch have both the GPS & Glonass enabled chip. The device automatically chooses between the Glonass and GPS or a combination of the two signals for the highest degree of accuracy.
How do I calibrate the barometer in my device? (Y10 Super, Micro C, & Micro only)
The barometer self-calibrates when it turns on. It is best to turn it on while you are outside.
What is the difference between adaptive recording and once per second recording?
Adaptive recording records while moving at 1 - 15 second intervals depending on how constant direction and speed are. This helps to save battery and maximize storage space. Once per second recording forces the device to record at once per second, so you'd record more data points but run down the battery faster and use more recording space.
Where do I find my saved routes in the Ally 2 App? (Y10 only)
First, go to the Navigation tab on the bottom menu bar on the App. Then, select the menu in the upper left corner. "Saved Routes" should pop up under the list. You can then select from the saved routes you've created or uploaded in GPS Root.